"If McCain-Palin get in, this will be the last true American election. She will be working for Halliburton, KBR, Rove and Cheney into the foreseeable future -- for a decade perhaps -- a puppet 'president' for the same people who have plundered our treasure, are now holding the US economy hostage and who murdered four thousand brave young men and women in a way of choice and lies."
Naomi Wolf: The Battle Plan II: Sarah "Evita" Palin, the Muse of the Coming Police State
Editor's note: Don't forget to wash up after visiting HuffPo.
Editor's note two: You know, I think I'd hit that. I mean, I wouldn't tell anyone about it, but if I were absolutely positively certain that no one would find out, I do believe I'd go ahead and hit it.
I'd hit that too. After hitting 3 bottles of George Dickel Tennessee Sour Mash. And taking my self-respect out back and shooting it.
then, I'd totally hit that.
afterthought: She's gotta be the one talking about dermatologists...What the Fuck is that thing on her left tit?
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